Alpine Protection Services

Your safety is our mission

Providing Reliable and Professional security services tailored to your needs



Alpine Protection Services is a proudly Alberta-based security guard company committed to protecting the businesses and communities that define our great province. We offer every customer we work with a combination of professionalism, care, and local expertise, all rooted in the rich history and core values of the Alberta spirit. Our team of highly skilled security guards is dedicated to giving businesses around Alberta peace of mind by delivering great service with a personal touch. Not only do we safeguard at Alpine Protection Services, but we also preserve the safety standards of our stunning province, cultivate community, and establish trust.



 Meet Our Guardians of Peace: Our team is not just a group of security professionals, we are the guardians of peace, ensuring your safety and tranquility. Vigilance Personified: Our team embodies vigilance. We are always alert, always ready, ensuring your world is secure. We strive to provide top-notch security services that you can rely on. Protectors of Trust: We are more than just a security team; we are protectors of trust, ensuring your peace of mind in every situation.



A Safer World for All: Our vision is to create a safer world where everyone can live without fear, knowing they are protected. Security Beyond Boundaries: We envision transcending the traditional boundaries of security services, providing innovative solutions that cater to the evolving needs of our clients. Trust, Tranquility, and Triumph: Our vision is to build an environment of trust and tranquility where security triumphs over uncertainty. 



 We believe every client is unique, and so are their security needs. That’s why we offer tailored security services that align perfectly with your specific requirements